Credit cards can be a positive tool for increasing your purchasing power, breaking up large purchases into more manageable payments and boosting your credit score. However, it can be easy to get in over your head. If credit cards are taking over your life, you may want to talk to an attorney about bankruptcy. These are a few signs that it might be time to look into this option for getting your finances under control.
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Possible Defenses To Assault & Battery Charges
While legally considered separate acts, the crimes of assault and battery are often charged together due to the complimentary nature. If you have recently been charged with these crimes, understanding the difference between the crime of assault and the crime of battery will be the first step in determining what defense strategy to employ in you case. Below you will learn more about the legal components of each crime and what defense strategies may be available to help you fight these charges.
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5 Situations Where Hiring An Immigration Attorney Is Necessary
If you have immigrated to the United States, then there is a chance that you could need to hire an immigration attorney for help with filing for certain paperwork, such as citizenship, a green card, and more. Here are five situations where hiring an immigration attorney is an absolute must:
1. If You Have Been Convicted of a Crime: If you were convicted of a crime in any area of which you have lived, you are going to have to explain this on certain forms that you file for citizenship and more.
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Three Bizarre (And Sad) Cases Of Medical Malpractice
Some medical malpractice incidents arise out of "understandable" mistakes from doctors. However, some cases are so absurd that you fail to understand how they could have happened in the first place. Here are three examples of such bizarre cases:
Wrong Organs Transplanted
A teenage girl died 15 days after surgery because her surgeons had given her transplants of the wrong blood type. The patient, whose lungs and heart were bad and needed to be replaced, was elated when she was informed that a match had been found for both organs.
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