When you make the decision to file for Social Security disability benefits, you will probably spend a great deal of time looking at the reasons why you should be approved for your benefits. However, because more disability claims are denied than approved, it is always a good idea to look at the reasons you could be denied and work from there. While there is no sure-fire thing you can do that will guarantee you an approved claim, what you can do is make sure your case has a fighting chance from the start. Here are a few things you need to consider before you apply.
Take a look at your working ability.
One of the things the Social Security Administration will use to determine if you are qualified for your disability benefits when you apply is how much you are able to work. If you are capable of working, think about if the amount of work you are doing could be considered enough to be deemed substantial gainful activity. This would mean that the amount of money you can make by working is enough that you could at least partially support yourself.
Talk to your doctor about your disability.
One thing that can help you a great deal with your Social Security disability claim is if your primary care physician is willing to agree with you that your disability is serious enough that it would limit your working abilities. For this reason, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor about your condition and get their advice about whether they believe you would have a chance to win your disability claim once you file. Your doctor's recommendations and records will be a major part in the decision making process when you do file a claim, so if your physician is on your side, you will have a better chance at seeing a favorable outcome.
Consider other vocational options and if they are feasible.
The Social Security Administration will usually enlist the professional expertise of a vocational expert in deciding whether you will be approved for disability or not. This vocational expert will look at your physical limitations, your education, and skill set to determine if you would be able to find employment in different industries other than what you have normally worked. For example, if you have a back injury, you may not be able to work in construction, but you could possibly perform an office job that allows you to remain seated.