Auto accidents often end up having a significant impact on your life. There are a lot of things to consider after being injured in an accident of this nature. Things like medical and auto repair bills will likely take precedence, as will dealing with insurance. If you sustain injuries resulting from an accident or have difficulty with the other driver or their insurance company, hiring an auto accident attorney may be necessary.
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How a Divorce Lawyer Can Help You With Mediation
There is a misconception that lawyers do not support mediation because they have less influence over the process. However, many lawyers actually support divorce mediation because it is sometimes a better option for their client and there are several functions that a divorce lawyer can fulfill during the divorce. One of these functions is mediation. Read on to learn more.
The Role of Mediation
Oftentimes, a lawyer will encourage their client to choose mediation as a way to speed up the process.
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Will You Be Paying Alimony? Be Sure To Know These 4 Things
Will your divorce result in having to make alimony payments to your former spouse? If so, you likely have a lot of questions about this process. Here is what you need to know.
When Is Alimony Required?
Spousal support is not something that is granted in every single divorce, but it is quite common. It is used in situations where one spouse is unable to meet their basic needs after the divorce on their income alone.
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Should You File For Chapters 7 And 13 Consecutively?
The idea of filing for bankruptcy twice and consecutively might seem like a fairly outlandish thing to consider, but a bankruptcy lawyer might recommend under specific circumstances. If you're curious about the possibility of doing so, here's what you'll want to learn about it.
Why Would Anybody Do This?
Most scenarios where this is a desirable choice involve a balance of unsecured debts and secured ones. Generally, the person filing wants to have the court discharge the unsecured debts on things like utility bills and credit card debts.
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